User front-end function for indirect inference on microsimulated data. Estimation is performed using simulated method of moments and is a particular case of extremum estimator. Theoretical framework can be found on Gourieroux et al. (1993) .

Weight matrix \(W\) is either assumed to be identity (approach = "one_stage") or estimated with the optimal weight matrix as proposed by Hansen (1982) . In the former case, known as feasible GMM, (approach = "two_stage")

  prediction_function = {     function(theta) theta },
  objective_function = loss_function,
  approach = c("two_step", "one_step"),



Initial values for \(\theta\) parameter. This can be a named vector


Function to transform theta into sample conditions. See examples.


How to transform output from prediction_function into an objective function. Included for flexibility but not recommanded to change that default option


Estimation approach. Either one_step or two_step (default)


Additional arguments that should be used by model_function


Gourieroux C, Monfort A, Renault E (1993). “Indirect inference.” Journal of applied econometrics, 8(S1), S85--S118.

Hansen LP (1982). “Large sample properties of generalized method of moments estimators.” Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1029--1054.


if (FALSE) { n <- 10000L ncol <- 3 x <- replicate(ncol, rnorm(n)) y <- 2*x[,2] + runif(n) df <- data.frame(y = y, x1 = x[,1], x2 = x[,2], x3 = x[,3]) moment_function <- function(theta, ...){ return( data.table::data.table( 'epsilon' = as.numeric(df$x1*(df$y - cbind(1L, df$x1) %*% theta)) ) ) } objective_function <- function(theta, weights = 1L, return_moment = FALSE, ...){ if (return_moment) return(moment_function(theta, ...)) if (weights == 1L) return( t(moment_function(theta, ...)$epsilon) %*% moment_function(theta, ...)$epsilon ) return( t(moment_function(theta, ...)$epsilon) %*% weights %*% moment_function(theta, ...)$epsilon ) } msm1 <- estimation_theta(theta_0 = c(0, 0), model_function = objective_function, approach = "one_step") }